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Teeth cleaning and check-ups in Inglewood

Teeth cleaning and check-ups in Inglewood

Teeth cleaning and check-ups 
in Inglewood

girl cleaning teeth


We know it takes time, but it is worth the investment. Getting your teeth cleaned regularly is important for your oral health. It can prevent teeth and gum problems that could end up costing you more time and money in the future. 

At our office, Dr Wong performs our teeth cleaning services personally. He ensures high-standard cleaning and will make sure your needs are met. You will enjoy the perfectly clean feeling of your teeth and share your healthy, beautiful smile with the world. Contact us to set up an appointment.
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We offer the highest standard in dental cleaning


Getting regular dental check-ups can help us catch minor problems before they become more serious, costly and painful. Our friendly staff will make sure you feel comfortable and explain any conditions or potential problems we see.  

When you come in for a check-up, we will use a digital OPG x-ray machine to take a panoramic radiograph of your teeth, jaws and joint. This allows us to perform a comprehensive oral examination and identify cavities, tooth decay and other dental problems that need to be addressed.
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opg machine


Getting regular dental check-ups can help us catch minor problems before they become more serious, costly and painful. Our friendly staff will make sure you feel comfortable and explain any conditions or potential problems we see.  

When you come in for a check-up, we will use a digital OPG x-ray machine to take a panoramic radiograph of your teeth, jaws and joint. This allows us to perform a comprehensive oral examination and identify cavities, tooth decay and other dental problems that need to be addressed.
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opg machine
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